Indie Conference: August 2019

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IndieCade, Freelance Conference & Justin Jackson

This month we've got updates from IndieCade, LTV Conference, a discount for Business Of Software USA, and a talk from Justin Jackson at Laracon 2019.

Conference Updates

IndieCade US & IndieCade Europe are both in October this year. IndieCade is dedicated to indie gaming and has been running for over a decade. The US festival is moving to Santa Monica on 10 - 12 October, while the European conference is in Paris again on 18 - 19 October.

Freecon: The Freelance Conference is in Austin on 27 - 29 October. Topics include selling for introverts, refining your gig pitch and growing your business while staying solo. This year's speakers include Pamela Slim (author of Escape From Cubicle Nation) and Brian Clark (founder of Copyblogger).

LTV Conference is 2 - 4 April 2020 in New York. Also known as the "Lifetime Value" conference, it's for people running SaaS subscription businesses. Topics include bootstrapping / self funding your business, though many of their attendees are funded companies. Early bird tickets are now available.

Super Super Early Bird tickets are now available for Business Of Software UK. The conference isn't until March 2020 (and speakers haven't been announced yet), but if you want the cheapest tickets, this is your chance.


Speaking of Business Of Software, you can still use our special discount code to save $200 on tickets to Business Of Software USA next month (16th-18th September in Boston). See speakers like Steli Efti, Alex Osterwalder and April Dunford discuss product positioning and business models.

(Sorry! Promo code only available to email newsletter subscribers!)

Conference Video Of The Month

Justin Jackson: The Hardest Part About Growing Old In Tech
(38 mins, from Laracon 2019)

Cover screen for Justin Jackson's Laracon 2019 talk: Growing Old In Tech

An entertaining presentation from last month's Laracon. If you're over 40 you might not agree with Justin's definition of 'old', but his key idea that "Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become" might still resonate - borrowed from his friend James Clear's book Atomic Habits. This one is more about soft skills than tactics to improve your indie business - if you like Greg Baugues' talks, you'll like this one.

Call For Presentations

Xojo Connect (Nashville, TN) call for presentations ends September 1. Xojo Connect is for developers in the REALbasic/Xojo language for solo developers on desktop and mobile. Email with proposals. The conference is on 25 - 27 March 2020.

Indie Links

MicroConf Conference Videos are now available from their 2018 & 2019 conferences. MicroConf started with a focus on solo software businesses, but now includes growing businesses that have scaled beyond solo indie size too. The 2018 videos are on sale for $49, while the 2019 videos are $99. All their talks from earlier years are still available for free, so you can watch those first before deciding to buy.

What's On Next Month

360|iDev: (25 - 28 August, Denver CO, USA)
For indie Apple (Mac, iOS, tvOS and watchOS) developers.

The Conference: (27 - 28 August, Malmö, Sweden)
For futurists & thinkers imagining how tech will affect society.

Laracon EU: (28 - 30 August, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
For programmers using the Laravel PHP framework.

/dev/world: (2 - 4 September, Melbourne, Australia)
For Apple (iOS / Mac) and Swift developers, especially students.

iOS Dev UK: (2 - 5 September, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK)
UK based iOS development conference.

TBEX America: (11 - 13 September, Billings MT, USA)
For travel bloggers and freelance travel writers.

Business Of Software USA: (16 - 18 September, Boston, MA, USA)
For anyone running a software business.

Published , Links Updated

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